Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thinking about my "Art"

So, a dilemna today.  I showed one of my poems from my other blog to someone.  And they were a bit disturbed by it.   When I wanted to show them a more fun one, they replied, "No thanks, I think I'm full for now" 

I didn't know what to say.  Maybe I've gone down the wrong path with these things?  What do I want this body of work to be, exactly?  I mean, mostly, of late, my poems are fairly light topic affairs.  Not terribly offensive.  But when the mood takes me, I travel down some dark paths.  And, it's therapeutic as well. 

But, should I be posting my therapy for all to see?  Should I share my demons?  My fears?  Oh conundrum!

In the end.  I think I'll rally back to my "Art"  theory.  Art is sometimes not pretty, art can make you think, art a can make you uncomfortable.  Sometimes because it exposes something inside your own self that you don't like to admit.  So I am going to just keep going the way that I am.  And someday, when I publish all these in a book.  If someone buys it, and they read something awful, and disturbing, they'll just have to put it down, and walk it off.  Maybe they'll never read a thing I've written again because of it, maybe they'll throw the book away. 

The things that I write, both here and in the poetry page, are from my heart, they are what I'm thinking of at the moment.  Dreams, fears, things I see, or think I saw.... all fair game.

Such is my "Art".  I am woefully imperfect.  As is everything that I make. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep being, and indeed, embrace your "imperfectness". I think you're on the right track writing from your heart like you do - whatever paths it takes you down, you're real. I like that best about you.
    I miss you too. <3
