Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pleased as punch to have you here

Nothing feels as good as having a thought, coalesce into a paragraph, and keep going for a bit.  I just had one of those.  I couldn't go too deeply, as I don't know much about the subject personally.  And actually researching it would be against something... I think. 

I have a friend who used to cut herself, at least I don't think she still does it, maybe.  But we talked about it a bit, and she showed me some pictures of what she'd done to herself.  I was a bit sad for her, but interested at the same time.  As to what drives you to do that, and what feelings you get from it.  She described some of that to me, and since that was a while ago now, I've forgotten most of what she told me I'm sure.  The images of what she wrote on her arms and legs still stands out in my head.  So that's what I wrote on in the latest poem of note.  I reflected on cutting for a little bit, then put on some Green Day, and banged it out.

I know, I'm making too big a deal out of doing something like that.  It's not like I wrote a book or anything.  But, it just gave me joy to have it flow out so smoothly.  That's all I'm sharing. 

And sharing is Caring!!!! Right kids? 

See #94 Sings A Cutter's Song  for all the wonderfulness.

Oh, and I totally had something else to say, which I've forgotten completely, the dog walked in, then my wife, now I forgot.  "Oh look, something shiny!"

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