Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More Space = Faster Idiots

It's something in the human psyche, it just has to be.

I travel the same 35 mile stretch of US-23 in Michigan, twice a day.  Once north, and once south.  On this predominately two-lane highway, are two four-lane passing zones.  In these two areas, the two-lane road opens up to four lanes, two going north, two going south, they are about 2 miles long. 

The problem I have, is that sometimes, when following someone who can't seem to go faster than 45 or 50 mph in the two lane section; they speed up to 55 or 60 mph in the four lane passing area.  This wouldn't be so bad, except that they slow right back down to their previous agonizingly slow speed as soon as they reach the end of the passing zone.

I could interpret this as someone intentionally being a jerk.  And I have a few times.  But too many different people do it for it to be that.  I think it happens to people who aren't using their cruise control, and something in their head tells them the safe speed they should be going. 

Their safe default speed for the more constricted two lane areas, becomes higher when suddenly presented with the open area of the four lane zones.

But it still aggravates me.  To pull out to pass the person who was going 50 mph not 5 seconds ago, only to find them matching my passing speed of 60 mph.  It's hard not to take it personally.  Especially when I have to speed to 65 to get past them before the end of the zone, and I know full well that the state police like to stake out the exit area of the passing zones.  Probably for this very reason.

This was more of a rant, than a worry.  I'll try to stay more on topic.


1 comment:

  1. That's really interesting behaviour, though... i recently read a study where some places are making the lanes on roads just slightly smaller, because the brain instinctually slows down when they process the skinner roads, thinking they're going faster than they really are. Some visual perspective quirk. What I'm wondering is if perhaps those roads are slimmer than others, or if just the change between two and four lanes are worrying people unconciously? What do you think?
