Saturday, November 14, 2009


Speaking of things to worry about, I was adopted. My birth parents are unknown to me, despite petioning the court twice for records. It's very strange. I want to know about my birth parents, and their geneology, but my adoptive parents are so wonderful. I feel like an absolute traitor trying to find this information. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.

I first petitioned the court when I was 22 years old. I was rather ambiguous about finding out anything, and wasn't concerned or suprised when I received little in return from them. I tried again about five years later. By then, I had gotten married, and was curious to see if there were any medical issues I might be unwittingly passing along to any of my offspring. Again, I received little information back from the court. Although, it is interesting to note, that on both occasions, I received a little more information each time. Not enough to go on, but interesting nonetheless.

So, I'll put this out here in hopes it would catch a google search if anyone is looking for me.

I was born in Lansing, MI. February 22, 1971 ( 02/22/1971 ) At Sparrow Hospital.

I do know my birth name, although I will not reveal that here. And it's only a first name, in case you wondered.

If you or anyone you know gave a male child up for adoption at the above location on or close to the date stated, please let me know. I might be that child. Feel free to leave a comment, or email me, if that option is there.

1 comment:

  1. We've talked about this before and I always have that hope that you do find them one day... Not because as you say, you don't have wonderful parents but because it seems like there is a part of you that is a bit wistful about it, like you're looking for that one tiny corner piece in your jigsaw. You're fine without it, but it would be nice. I wonder, too, weirdly. Very weird, that, actually. Anyway... Hopefully you get some more answers eventually and that it's a pleasant experience. I used to think about submitting your info onto that one TV show, but I know that's not my place!
