Monday, September 5, 2011

Drunken Warthog Prayers

Ok, here's the deal; if you take this hangover away, I will do anything.  You hear me?  Anything, God, please, just make the pounding stop!  Oh no, I'm....(throws up)

That, and many other reasons, is why I've not been drinking anymore.  It started kind of innocently a few years ago.  I just didn't want the accompanying shitty feeling the next morning anymore, after getting into my beer.  Then, I slowly realized, that I really didn't like the getting drunk thing anymore.  For, when I did do it, just for the sake of getting drunk, I had to drink so much beer, so fast, that I got sick almost as much from the amount of liquid I drank, as the being drunk itself part.  Pretty much a waste of time.  All for the pleasure of poisoning myself.  And I got enough of that going on, without doing it recreationally.

So here I am, forty years old, listening to Irish and Scottish drinking rock of course, and writing about this, of all things.

I had several issues when I drank to excess, or at all.  I never got in any legal trouble or anything, and I didn't hurt anyone or anything.  But there was drama all the same. 

The high points of what I do when I get that way, is that I always, ALWAYS, feel too hot for clothes.  And, they come off eventually.  It's pretty embarrassing to constantly wake up naked somewhere.  Usually with my clothes scattered hither and yon, thanks to my sensitive friends, who figured I should have to earn those clothes back after displaying my nude awesomeness to them.  I guess that parts sort of funny.

Allow me to relate one of my most 'complete' drunken nights.  By complete, I mean I displayed almost all my drunken prowess. 

It was at Archie's Bar in Onondaga, MI.  It was back when I was in A&P school, I think I was 21, maybe.  The owner's son, nicknamed Beep, went to school with us, so a group of us went out there for a get together.  We had lots of food, tacos maybe?  maybe not, I think they only served tacos on one day.  Anyways, food, beer, and Hurricanes.  Pitchers of them.  I don't know what is in a Hurricane, but I like them.  Sweet, sort of orangey pink in color, and super yum.  After many pitchers of those, singing with the jukebox, and talking of very important things, no doubt.  Someone said it was time to go, because I had just tipped over the whole table when I tried to get up to go take a piss.  Knocked all the drinks and a pitcher of the aforementioned Hurricane concoction onto the floor.  Yep, time to go. 

We were spending the night at Beep's house, which he shared with his fiance.  I ended up on the couch downstairs.  Beep and his fiance had their bedroom downstairs also.  Here's what happened after everyone went to sleep, and I've pieced this together from what I sort of remember, and what I was told. 

At some point, I got super hot, and took off all my clothes, and sat at the kitchen table alone, in the dark.  Beep got up to use the bathroom, and had to pass by the kitchen to do it, and he saw me, and asked if I was ok.  I must have grunted ok, because he went on.  Oh yea, he was naked too, important in a second.  As he went into the bathroom, I got up, and went into his bedroom.  I climbed into bed with his fiance, who was nude as well.  She didn't notice it was me, and I sort of drifted off for a minute.  Next thing I know, I'm being shaken by the shoulder, and I open my eyes, and Beep's cock is right in front of my face.  He is saying, "Wrong bed dude, wrong bed."  I grunt some more, and get up, and go back out to the living room.  A little later, I have to go to the bathroom, so I go over near the bathroom, where they had a clothes hamper, I lift the lid, and pee inside of it.  Then I laid back down on the bed. 

Morning comes, finally.  I have a ripping headache, and feel like I'm going to be sick.  I realize that I'm naked, and feel wicked embarrassed.  But, more importantly, I become aware of a discussion taking place at the kitchen table.  Beep is talking to my friend Fred, and Beep is wondering whether or not he should kick my ass, because I jumped in bed with his fiance.  Fred talks him into not kicking my ass, telling him I was drunk, and didn't mean anything by it.....I didn't by the way.  I distinctly remember seeing his bed, and thinking; A bed!  I want a bed, bed is sleepy.

So I'm not a perv or anything, at least not that time.

I was so embarrassed when they told me what I had done.  And nobody had found out I peed in the clothes hamper yet.  That didn't happen until the next day, and I heard about it at school.  So, the story became: 

Sure dude, I take you to my bar, feed you, get you drunk, let you sleep at my house; then you try to sleep with my fiance, and when I tell you no, you piss on my clothes!!

He said it with good humor, he's a good person.  He was in the military, and seen lots of stuff at his bar too.  Luckily for me, nothing I did had really shocked him.

That's the most amusing story of me on the sauce I think.  Others involve allegedly trying to tackle trees in the center of town, singing in inappropriate places, more nakedness.  etc 

That, and the driving.  Boy did I drive home sometimes when I shouldn't have.  I know I'm not alone in this, even when we all didn't get caught.  I feel bad though, so many bullets, so narrowly avoided. 

I feel better about life since I decided that drinking wasn't for me.  I mean, I could still have a drink if I wanted, I haven't taken a vow or anything.  I just don't want to.  Most drinks don't taste good to me anyways.  Since I had my kidney stone last year, I've been scared away from most anything other than water.  I still have milk with my cereal, but other than that, I drink only water.  For almost 9 months now.  Wow, I never thought that would happen.  I used to drink Mountain Dew like it was water itself.  But that's another story, for another day.

Kisses all.  Careful where you get shitfaced!

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