Friday, May 6, 2011

Fear and Moving On

I would like to relate a short incident in my life.

When I was younger, and single, I had a 1974 Harley Davidson Sportster.  It's not really important what it was, but I'm saying anyways.  It was a very impractical bike for me to own, as it was old, unreliable, and not comfortable at all except for short rides.  At the time, I had (as today) a 39 mile commute to work.  I didn't ride it every day certainly, but I did ride it often.

On one particular morning, I was running late.  And was riding quite fast, the weather was chilly, even though it was June ( as mornings in Michigan on Lake Huron often are).  I came upon a line of five cars just before a big golf course, about ten miles into my ride.  The traffic going the other way was pretty heavy, and I had to wait a few minutes to get an opening to pass, and it wasn't a big one.  So I kicked that Harley down a gear, and laid into the throttle.  I don't know how fast I was going, due to excessive vibration, and a faulty speedometer.  Suffice it to say I was probably going over 80mph.  I had just gotten past the fourth car.

And that's when the deer jumped in front of me.

The deer was moving fast towards the lake, it landed right in front of me, and kept on running.  I missed it by a couple of feet.  I'm certain that the car's driver next to me was equally horrified by the deers sudden appearance, and disappearance. 

I momentarily backed off the gas, but immediately opened it up again.  I had cars coming at me in the oncoming lane. 

After completing my pass.  I had some contemplative moments inside my helmet.  As I motored on to work. 

My fear had peaked as the deer was in front of me, and I backed off the gas.  The fear disappeared, as I snapped the throttle back open. 

I can't explain it.  It was one of the handful of times in my life, that I was fully aware that I was a few feet from death.  It was there, then it was gone. 

I still ride motorcycles.  On those same roads. 

It reminded me that I was mortal, but not to dwell on it too much, or you'll get yourself killed by the next thing coming at you.  I guess.

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