Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snapshots From a Revolution Discussed

Well, my "30 Days to Revolution", has become something different, and in the end, more fitting for me, and the style that I seem to love to stubbornly cling to. That being, the uber-short-form.

I don't know if it's my ADD, or what, but I just can't bring myself to write more than one or two pages at a time, on a given specific subject. Now, don't get me wrong, I can work within a general framework. I proved it! See last years "seven deadly sins" series, and the serial I did about the astronaut in the desert a few weeks ago. The former, was seven parts (duh), the latter spanned fourteen chapters. I new personal record.

My intent, with writing about an (attempted?) Second American Revolution, was to write it over thirty days, with thirty installments, reflecting 30 days of actual story progress. Unfortunately, after I wrote the first two, I fell out of love with that concept, hard.

So the group is evolving into more of "Snapshots of a Revolution". Which I'm fine with. I'm actually starting to warm to it.

I can write about some of the typical things I write about, life, death, love, hate. And a few that are a little over the top. Oh, and a little humor. That one is still coming. It involves nuclear weapons, and let's admit it: Everything is funny about nuclear weapons, right?

I still think that I'm going to end up on some government watch list, just for publishing this particular group of pieces.

But, It's not like I'm advocating armed rebellion, or revolution against the existing United States of America. Not necessarily because we don't need one, but because it would be total suicide.

If, and that's a big huge sweaty IF; you could organize such a thing without being infiltrated, and shut down before you even started with a group of the size I talk about here: You would be cut to ribbons in our current over secured society. And I guess that in the end, that's a good thing. I don't want civil war. Especially not in this modern age.

With our current technology, and varied personalities in the military; there would always be enough loyalists to put down any rebellion.

And in the end, my literary rebellion will end badly, as is foreshadowed in the opening stanzas of "We Hang Traitors In These Here Parts".

So call it a cautionary tale. Of what could happen if a rebellion got out of the planning stages, and got ahold of weapons, and bombs, and had an actual plan.

It will still end with their defeat, but the cost would be dire. Both in our national identity, and in people.

I'm certain I will fail in some way to illustrate all of this, but that is my intent.

I was drawn to do this, because of all I saw happening in this country, and abroad. Seeing the Arab Spring, and Occupy Wallstreet; I threw out some comments, and a poem or two about an armed rebellion being the only way to 'git er done'. But that was talking out my ass.

Can Occupy make a difference? In my opinion: No. they will be a footnote, to be learned about, just like the anti war protests were for my generation.

It's sad but true. The money does run this country, whether it's some faceless families behind the scenes as many conspiracies purport; or if it's just what you see on the surface: Multiple corporations, and special interest groups, with money to throw around, one up each other financially, until the common man has no voice.

The power of your voice in government is tied to the money in your pocket. That's just the way it is today.

Come to think of it, that would be one way that the 99 percent could take back the country. By pooling all our discretionary income, and buying our government back.

Beat the bastards at their own game.

Cash talks, guns and bombs will be put down, bullshit walks.

Cheers, to the walking talking bullshit mega machine that is the American people.

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