Hello there! I know it's been ages since I've written here. But it's wonderful too. Being that I've been channeling most of my creative writing into the Fritz365 project, ongoing, forever.
I've got two books out there floating (bloating?) in the ether. They're free on Smashwords, blah blah blah.
I'm accumulating more stories about aviation, or aviation related things, for a "Tales of the Wrench" book I'm going to do. I don't know how it will go over. As most of the stories aren't that long, and it won't be what most people will be expecting for a book about aviation maintenance stuff.
But it will be what it will be. Filled with stories of things that actually happened to me, incidents that were told to me, dramatizations of things I heard about fourth or fifth hand, and some things that I just plain made up. As it should be I guess. The Lore of the Mechanic, indeed.
I'm trying, trying hard, not to peg any person or company with bad things when I write about stuff. I hope it all comes off ok. I mean, some of the incidents are pretty specific, and all you'd have to do is google a bit on the subject, and you could find out names, dates, etc. A couple times I did name company names though, especially if the company in question is out of business. Or when I'm making fun of them on purpose (Monsanto). I mean, Monsanto is in the press for all kinds of horrid genetic things; they might be grateful for me to tease them about something else for a change? Eh, I guess I'll find out.
So here's a thing: I've often thought that aviation maintenance would make a pretty amusing television show. I don't know what sort exactly. You could do a standard half hour comedy thing, or a one hour light drama, with assorted craziness involved. The set could consist of a large empty building, which we'd call a 'hangar'. And one or two junky airplanes. Which can be bought for scrap prices out in the desert. Just for the set, something for the actors/mechanics to 'work' on and act against occasionally.
Aircraft mechanics as a group, are a pretty interesting lot, with a reputation for not being normal at all. The mechanic from "Wings" wasn't far off (Lowell? I think was his name...). Needs development though!
As a matter of fact, some of the stories from my book would be perfect for adaptation into episodes....... just a thought. Maybe I'll try my unsteady hand at script writing someday, and try to make that happen. There isn't much aviation mechanic specific stuff out there. Could be an untapped market!!
So that's that stuff. Some worries, some ideas. Some stuff.
Oh, it's summer again. Which means my in-laws are living in my yard again. Must be part gypsy.
Cheers, to thoughts on aviation maintenance and stuff.
I've got two books out there floating (bloating?) in the ether. They're free on Smashwords, blah blah blah.
I'm accumulating more stories about aviation, or aviation related things, for a "Tales of the Wrench" book I'm going to do. I don't know how it will go over. As most of the stories aren't that long, and it won't be what most people will be expecting for a book about aviation maintenance stuff.
But it will be what it will be. Filled with stories of things that actually happened to me, incidents that were told to me, dramatizations of things I heard about fourth or fifth hand, and some things that I just plain made up. As it should be I guess. The Lore of the Mechanic, indeed.
I'm trying, trying hard, not to peg any person or company with bad things when I write about stuff. I hope it all comes off ok. I mean, some of the incidents are pretty specific, and all you'd have to do is google a bit on the subject, and you could find out names, dates, etc. A couple times I did name company names though, especially if the company in question is out of business. Or when I'm making fun of them on purpose (Monsanto). I mean, Monsanto is in the press for all kinds of horrid genetic things; they might be grateful for me to tease them about something else for a change? Eh, I guess I'll find out.
So here's a thing: I've often thought that aviation maintenance would make a pretty amusing television show. I don't know what sort exactly. You could do a standard half hour comedy thing, or a one hour light drama, with assorted craziness involved. The set could consist of a large empty building, which we'd call a 'hangar'. And one or two junky airplanes. Which can be bought for scrap prices out in the desert. Just for the set, something for the actors/mechanics to 'work' on and act against occasionally.
Aircraft mechanics as a group, are a pretty interesting lot, with a reputation for not being normal at all. The mechanic from "Wings" wasn't far off (Lowell? I think was his name...). Needs development though!
As a matter of fact, some of the stories from my book would be perfect for adaptation into episodes....... just a thought. Maybe I'll try my unsteady hand at script writing someday, and try to make that happen. There isn't much aviation mechanic specific stuff out there. Could be an untapped market!!
So that's that stuff. Some worries, some ideas. Some stuff.
Oh, it's summer again. Which means my in-laws are living in my yard again. Must be part gypsy.
Cheers, to thoughts on aviation maintenance and stuff.